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'Monodroid'에 해당되는 글 1

  1. 2010.10.15 모노(Mono) Mobile관련 최근 소식

아직 3.1까지만 지원하고 있구나..

레스코에 개발자 센터가 있군
근데 너무 비싸다;
모노에서 소개하고 있네.


I have a MonoTouch or WindowsPhone 7 application, can I just rebulid it with MonoDroid and target Android?

Both MonoDroid and MonoTouch bring the core of .NET to the iPhone and Android platforms, but we do not offer a UI cross-platform solution. Each operating system offers slightly different services for building user interfaces, interacting with the phone, the address book, the built-in GPS and audio systems.

Our recommendation for users that want to target all three mobile platforms is for developers to separate the business logic of their application from the user interface and hardware interface layer.

This means that both the user interface layer and any hardware integration components will have to be written once for each platform.

Your business logic can consist of anything that uses the core APIs in: mscorlib, System, System.Xml, System.Core, System, System.Data, System.Json, System.Runtime.Serialization, System.ServiceModel, System.Web.Services and System.Xml.Linq as well as

In addition, OpenGL code between the iPhone and Android can be shared as we support the OpenTK API, an object-oriented wrapper for C# developers to access OpenGL libraries.

Since the core MonoDroid and MonoTouch libraries are supersets of the Silverlight APIs, you might have to factor those features out.

Does MonoDroid support WCF?

MonoDroid supports a subset of WCF, but this support is not battle tested like our standard System.Web.Services stack (old .NET 1.0 SOAP).

The WCF subset is the same subset exposed by Silverlight.   This is because MonoDroid's WCF stack is derived from the work we did for our open source Silverlight implementation, Moonlight.

You should consider our WCF support "alpha" quality, as it is known to have various missing features.    Although we are working to resolve those, it is best to not depend on these features being ready until we actually ship and announce them.

If all you want is an RPC system across systems, we recommend that you use one of the various .NET versions of Google's Protocol Buffers:

Windows Phone 7
